This site has kind of a long history if you think about it, and I’ll start off from the beginning.
The name, where did you get it from?
Decorative Soul is just a name I came up with just from reading a dictionary (I think), and I look back and I can’t fully remember what sparked that name, this is just a guess. But I use the dictionary or thesaurus to find names for different things. I’ve been pretty good at coming up with names for different sites in the past, and this one was truly a good name, one that stuck, and I will stick with forever.
What got you into the Home Decor niche?
Yes, I am a guy, but I find Home Decor to be a very interesting niche. It all started in 2005 when I came across a video on Youtube of a woman said that “my blog changed my life”, and she said she started a blog on Home Decor and put ads up, being one of the first in the niche, she made bank, if you know what I mean, and I was fully inspired from that video. It’s truly what got me into Internet Marketing. So here I am, and I actually enjoy blogging about this topic.
When did Decorative Soul originally start?
So I think it was around 2008 that I started this blog on this domain, but later changed it to around 2010, and by 2012 I was getting around 30,000 unique pageviews per month. I start making a decent income from that traffic and after I added affiliate links to the products I was recommending, I doubled that income. Of course, back then I wasn’t putting a lot of words into the posts I was publishing but, now that has changed and it’s more of a passion now than just “trying something to see if it works” kind of thing.
What happened
It’s a long story but I ended up losing my wallet in 2014ish and I had to cancel my credit cards which ended up in the billing for the hosting for the site had to delete the site because I wasn’t making payments, being stuck in the hospital at the time made it difficult to update things so I just let it be. I let the site get deleted because of that situation, and I have regretted it every day ever since all that happened. I am back though and I know what I need to do to get back into the blogging game again.
The domain I did own for awhile there after the site was deleted, but I later gave it up because I didn’t think there was any potential with it, but I look back now and wish I had kept it. The domain now is owned by a domain reseller and costs around $3300 which is way too much for me, I don’t see the point in owning it again if it costs that much, so I just let it go and went with the original domain from the very beginning.
If you have any questions for me please use our contact form or leave a comment down below at the bottom of the page, thanks for reading if you made it this far.